The Open Access Advantage
There are clear advantages when you publish open access. When compared to subscription articles published by Wiley, open access articles in hybrid journals typically received:

4.1 x Views
On average, open access articles were viewed more than four times compared to those which were not open access

1.7 x Citations
On average, open access articles were cited +70% compared to those which were not open access

5.3 x Altmetric
On average, open access articles received more than five times as much Altmetric attention as those which were not open access
Note that the above metrics are program averages for our open access articles and individual journal metrics will vary. Our research* shows the positive impact open access can have on usage, citations and Altmetric attention. By publishing open access you can be confident that your work has the best chance to be read, cited and shared widely.
Getting ready to submit? Don’t forget to:
Ensure funder compliance: Check the open access policies of your funder or institution against Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety
Check eligibility for funding: Your open access article publication charge (APC) may be covered by your institution – we can help you check or read about our Funder Agreements
Learn more about open access: Discover the different options for publishing open access, licenses and more
*About our findings
We focused on the metrics that authors have told us are important to them: usage (defined here by full-text views), citations (we used Web of Science citations here), and Altmetric Attention Scores. Insights were gained from an extensive review of Wiley journal articles published from January 1 2015 to December 31 2018, with metrics derived from January 1 2019 to December 31 2023. To learn more about our findings, see our infographic.